There will be an amazing, “planet combination” alignment next week: On the evening of March 30, Venus and Uranus will be seen just over 1 degree apart in the sky.
According to the Svábhegy Observatory, the two planets will be visible in the western sky after dusk.
If your eye is very sharp and you can see under a completely dark country sky, you can even spot very faint Uranus next to bright Venus with the naked eye. However, it is much easier to observe the pair with a simple hand-held telescope. Aided by this, Venus will appear dazzlingly bright, while Uranus will appear as a faint greenish-blue star to Venus’s left, slightly down.
Venus will already be visible in about a quarter to eight and can help you find Uranus as a compass. However, the faint planet will not be visible until around half past nine.
Uranus and Venus approach each other every 2-3 years. The two planets will next meet in the sky in July 2025, but then they will pass roughly one and a half times the distance apart they are now. The couple will be closer than they are now to each other at the beginning of June 2028.
A detailed blog post about unusual spring planetary alignments and observations can be read on the news blog page of Svábhegyi Csillagwiszlógó Universum – they wrote.