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An American nuclear submarine has been captured and forced to surface in the Gulf

An American nuclear submarine has been captured and forced to surface in the Gulf

Admiral Shahram Irani, Commander of the Iranian Naval Forces, said on Iranian state television that an Iranian Fatah-class submarine detected the USS Florida with sonar after it tried to pass through what it said were Iranian waters in the Persian Gulf. Eventually, the Iranian submarine forced the USS Florida to change course and appear through the strait.

Their US officials must be held accountable for doing such a dangerous thing in international waters

added the admiral.

The United States said on April 8 that it was Nuclear powered submarine USS Florida – capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles – In order to ensure regional maritime security and stability, it was transferred to the US Fifth Fleet operating in the region.

The US Fifth Fleet stationed in Bahrain denied what it described as Iranian “disinformation”.

No US submarine has passed through the Strait of Hormuz today or recently

Commander Timothy Hawkins said, calling the claim Iranian misinformation.

Cover image is illustrative. Cover image source: Wikimedia Commons

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