Ronald Mallet lost his father when he was ten years old. Inspired by the novels of H.G. Wells and the scientific works of Einstein, he became a theoretical physicist and devoted his entire life to building a time machine.
The scientist believes that at the age of 77 he made a breakthrough on the path to time travel. After 50 years in the business, he sees that time can be bent using a rotating laser ring, making time travel possible.
Although according to the current state of science, time travel is not possible, because there is a trigger first, and then the event. There are theories such as general relativity or wormholes, based on which they believe that perhaps building a time machine is not a perverted idea after all. However, we do not currently have the technological conditions for this.
But according to Mallet, there is a loophole: he believes that an artificial black hole could generate a gravitational field that would create a time loop, and so we could even go back in time.
In 2019, Mallet also built a prototype that produced a continuously rotating beam of light. It’s not too complicated to imagine: “Light can create gravity…and if gravity can affect time, then light itself can affect time”– thought the astrophysicist.
According to his critics, if a time machine could be built, it would have to be as big as the known universe, so that would be impossible. When asked about the size of the time machine, Mallet replied: “I don’t know that yet. The point is, we must first prove that we can bend space—not time—with the help of light.”
Such an endeavor certainly wouldn’t come cheap, and it’s highly unlikely that any government would devote its resources to time travel. The only billionaire “strange enough” to fund such a project is busy Mars and Twitter – The Guardian writes.