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An old bird has been found in China that can rewrite the date of development

An old bird has been found in China that can rewrite the date of development

Fossils discovered in the southeastern part of China can rewrite the date of bird development, with a quail size, 150 million years ago, the first known type.

To date, the species called Archeopsyx have been considered the first rudimentary bird, whose fossils were found in Germany in 1861. Archeopsyx had already had the pen and wings, but its teeth and bones were still raised by the thyrauda dinosaurs, and the long bone tail was such a privacy. As a result, many researchers have already questioned whether archepsyx could be considered an ever.

According to the excavations in China in November 2023, this type, called Baminornis Zhengensis, appears more than Archeopsyx. The animal that is about 15 cm is a more tail like birds and short with birds today. This tail was an important Herodian innovation because it helped pushing the center of the body to the wings. Previously, this type lived after only 20 million years, and researchers were registered in the types of card.

The appearance of imagination of Baminornis Zhengensis – Photo: Paleonto / XinHua Agency / AFP

Reuters wrote thatThe fact that the different anatomy archepsyx and Bamnornis Zhengensis lived almost at the same time, but about 8,800 km away, indicating that the development of birds began millions of years ago before the two types appeared.

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