In the bottom lane, more and more unusual League of Legends champions are starting to appear. Recently, for example, a pair has dominated, something Riot Games themselves almost certainly did not foresee.
09.08.2023 – More and more extraordinary League of Legends champions are starting to appear in the bottom lane. Recently, for example, a pair has dominated, something Riot Games themselves almost certainly did not foresee. The pair’s AD damage is provided by Ezreal, who is excellent, but is far from an easy scorer in the game. It is developing very well and if someone can manage it well they can decide matches themselves. So far, the formula is not surprising, but the sponsor comes from another coffee shop …
Shaco is the support that brings AP and heartbreak to opponents in the bottom lane. the According to the U.GG Stats page At the time of writing, the duo has an impressive win rate of over 54% across all ranks.
Although it seems strange at first, the duo didn’t just appear out of nowhere on the 13.15 tournament. In fact, they’ve been working their way up for a while now, and the creative bots have used them together for a couple of spins or so. Ranked Platinum+ during update 13.14, Shaco and Ezreal are ranked 8th in win rates. Through 13.13, according to U.GG data, they finished in 21st place with 52 percent.
On top of all that, Shaco received minor improvements in the 13.14 cycle, so the performance improvement is understandable. The developers have boosted his Q and boosted Backstab’s critical damage.
Well, why does the pair work so well?
The key to their success is constant twitching, that is, they do not leave opponents alone, but rather constantly damage them from a distance, making it impossible for the opponent to farm safely. Ezreal has always been tough to play against because of his Q, but the fact that he does everything for the lowest mana cost is even more ridiculous.
Then there’s Jack in the Box Shaco in his collection, which is not only annoying but painful, and can even be used as a wing (at least if someone steps on it). If you really need an LP, it might be worth trying the pair with a friend!
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