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Are you on Android? Then you will be very happy with this innovation

Are you on Android?  Then you will be very happy with this innovation

Android users have waited a long time for a feature that makes in-app browsing easier, and it looks like the wait was worth it. Google has announced that custom tabs in Chrome will soon receive a major update that will revolutionize the browsing experience on Android devices.


Chrome Custom Tabs, although not familiar to many, is a very useful feature that allows users to stay within the app and open web links without having to switch to the full Chrome browser. This technology has been part of the Android experience for years, but it hasn't received a major update yet, and in some ways it's considered outdated.

However, Google has now announced that custom tabs in Chrome are getting a new feature that will allow users to minimize browser tabs so that users can easily return to the app without closing the tab and losing data. Thanks to the update, browser tabs will act as floating panels, similar to the Picture-in-Picture (PiP) function of video apps. These panels will be moveable and resizable, and will also display the logo, title, and link of the page you're on.

Google began testing the feature with some users as early as 2023, and with the recently released Chrome version 122, it began rolling it out widely.


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