In the latest 2024/4 issue of Magyar Tudomány, the journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the staff of ELTE BTK/OR-ZSE presented their Hebrew-Jewish research within the framework of an independent thematic block, The Hebrew Bible from a twenty-first century perspective With the title.
Tamas Peru “Who circumcised Abraham?” In his study “Interpreting the Bible from the Perspective of Cognitive Religious Sciences,” he applies the approach, concepts, and methods of a contemporary religious science, namely the cognitive religious sciences, to the story of Abraham’s circumcision (Genesis 17).
Cornelia Koltai In his study titled “Restricting Poetic Freedom: Lessons from Comparing the Book of Amos and the Targum of Amos,” he compares the biblical book and its early and late ancient Jewish Aramaic translation, from a historical and social perspective.
Dora Zsum “The Magical Use of Psalms: Seamus Tehillim-Manuscripts in the MTA's Kaufman Collection “presents work describing the magical use of the Book of Psalms and manuscripts held in the MTA Library.
Victoria Binai His study, “Desecrated Torah Scrolls in Light of Two Surveys,” focuses on the Torah scrolls that were desecrated in the Holocaust, using an already published study from 1945 and hitherto unpublished archival material from 1956.
The thematic block can be viewed:
Availability of the full April issue: