Filled in semi-hard plastic capsules, ABC Fruit Jelly Straws from Taiwan can get stuck in the throat due to their shape, so customers are asked not to consume them.

Due to the risk of choking, customers should not consume the ABC Fruit Jelly Straws product, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) warned Thursday. the according to the authority Risks also exist in two versions of the product – the 260g and 1000g version.

The product notification came from Belgium through the European Union’s Food and Feed Safety Alert System (RASFF). According to Nabih, “small jelly cups” mean sweets with a solid texture, jelly texture, made of small, semi-rigid plastic, filled into cups or capsules, intended for consumption in one bite, by squeezing the cups or capsules into the dough. their mouth.

Small jelly cup products containing gelling agent

Due to its shape and texture, it can get stuck in the throat and can cause suffocation due to obstruction of the airways.

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Alkaloids and pesticides harmful to the liver were also detected in the recalled product.

Tesco recalled its own brand products

hvg. huPledge

There is no allergen in the slats.

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