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Attila Dubos can’t walk either

Attila Dubos can’t walk either

Boris learned that the health of the eighty-year-old composer and singer has unexpectedly and suddenly deteriorated greatly in recent weeks. His loved ones are very worried about Attila Dubos.

Boris learned that the health of the eighty-year-old composer and singer has unexpectedly and suddenly deteriorated greatly in recent weeks. His loved ones are very worried about Attila Dubos.

Unfortunately, there was bad news for Attila Dubos, who had weakened in an unusual way in just two weeks. Perhaps the famous composer’s condition deteriorated because he did not have his love around the clock, Erzsó, from whom he had to be temporarily away due to an urgent matter.

Attila is in bad shape now,” he said to find Boris, struggling to cry, Erzo called me. “I had to get away from him, I couldn’t get rid of him.” I lived with him for a year, during which time I came home once a month for twenty minutes to pay the checks. My apartment has been in need of renovation for a long time, so I recently commissioned specialists to do it. But this only led to the problem … – the singer complains. “The bathroom had to be smashed three times because they worked poorly, I wasn’t here, I didn’t see what they were doing. Not to mention things disappeared from the apartment. Unfortunately I had no choice, I had to move home for a while.”

His love temporarily left her alone

The sick musician reacted poorly to the sudden change, and his condition suddenly worsened.

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“I asked a nurse to take care of my love while I was there.” But unfortunately it seems that if I’m not by his side, nothing good for Attila. Ten days later when I got back to her because she called me to check on her, I was shocked to see how much her condition had deteriorated. He was cheerful next to me, he walked around the apartment, he ate well, and now he can hardly sit in bed, let alone get up. I know, I see and feel he longs for me so much and my heart breaks because I can’t be with him every minute, but somehow he has to put up with this little time. I think the apartment will be ready in a few days and everything will be back to how it was, and we will be together again. You just have to put up with this little time. I hope it works. I’m very worried about him… I hope everything is fine.

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