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August brings a karmic mission to 4 zodiac signs

August brings a karmic mission to 4 zodiac signs

In many ways, snowfall in August will be very decisive. Uranus indicates far-reaching and unexpected situations that raise important questions. These four signs of the zodiac face the task of karmic life in the last month of summer.


At first, it seems very helpful to be able to easily overcome the past, your grievances, and your pain. It is not so simple, because deep in your soul there are some of those things that you overcame in the past. It’s great to be able to really practice the virtue of letting go, and a lot of times that really is what leads to happiness. However, there are also grievances and situations in which the only solution is to face them. In August, you will find yourself face to face with such a person. However, if you meet her and stand her ground, you will make great progress in your development and can take important lessons with you in the future.

These four zodiac signs are at a karmic crossroads in August (Photo: Shutterstock)


There is a serious lesson for you in the field of human relations. You stand to trust: on the one hand, you want to bond deeply with someone, and on the other hand, you hide in your shell when someone approaches you. And if you don’t show yourself, how can the other person connect with your true self? You have to work on this within yourself. You have to accept yourself for your mistakes and understand that you are perfect and loved as you are. This is also the basis for the ability to harmoniously connect with a person. In August, you will receive signals about this from the Universe.


As a Virgo, you love to be in charge and to be well organized. Not because of a desire for power, but because you express your love by caring for others. This is also your love language: doing something for the other person. In addition, you become insecure if you feel that you have no influence over something, because your fears immediately take the main role, and you are too afraid to be weak. However, in August, a situation will come that is outside of you, and yet you are a part of it. You must hand control over to the heavens, to the universe. This is an important learning lesson, because you will experience that there is no harm in giving in to the flow of life, to spontaneity. You have to decide whether to let a feeling take you away, or whether to keep holding on to rationality.

The scorpion

Family karma comes into focus in August. As a Scorpio, you may have already experienced your resulting fears, but forgiving now is the next step. You can’t keep anger inside you anymore, because in the end it makes you a prisoner. It’s time to accept what you cannot change to see the possibilities of the future. “I deserve happiness!” Let this be your motto in August.

Isabella Thomas


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