October 16, 2024 – 9:56 pm Amazon Web Services is investing more than $500 million in nuclear development. CNBC reported. Amazon's cloud services company...
NASA 3 millió dolláros díjat ajánl fel a Hold-missziók egyik hatalmas problémájának megoldására Kulcsfontosságú a sikeres holdbázis létrehozásához Ahogy az emberiség újra megkezdi a...
A Georgia judge on Tuesday blocked a state Election Commission rule requiring manual counting of ballots in elections. Reports Reuters. The change was made...
Satellite images show that vegetation in Antarctica has increased more than tenfold over the past four decades and is turning green at a significant...
Gerd Walker, Audi's chief operating officer, announced on Tuesday that among 26 interested or potential investors… None offered a “viable and sustainable concept” for...
Exactly three weeks before the US presidential election, Donald Trump spoke with the news agency's editor-in-chief. The American presidential candidate did not hold back...