The Board of Trustees of the Gróf Tisza István Debrecen University Foundation, which runs the university, and the Foundation's management presented the Distinguished Publication...
US chipmaker Intel has announced the postponement of construction of its factory in the eastern German city of Magdeburg. the According to his...
Twenty-five authors received the Publication Award and eighteen doctoral students received the Doctoral Award for Excellence in the University Hall of Debrecen. Alföld TV...
As we talk about it I mentioned yesterdayIn recognition of their performance, they welcomed athletes from the MVM Szeged Aquatics Association who attended the...
The recognitions encouraging academic careers were established in 2023 by the Count Tessa István Foundation of the University of Debrecen; the Publication Prize and...
Photo: Ministry of Agriculture/Tibor Vermes Innovations based on the sustainable use of wood and other forest ecosystem services play an important role in strengthening...