The biggest revolution in the monster collecting genre recently was Palworld, which is still a very popular title. This is due to the fact that the Pokémon series games are available in limited quantities and have not been able to innovate recently. It was developed by Inverge Studios and Chibig Ava Creatures It tries to explore a new and fresh approach to monster-related gameplay.
Creatures of Ava is not a simple collecting adventure, but a quest for environmental conservation. The main character in the story is Vic, a scientist trying to save the living creatures of the dying planet Ava from a devastating infection called “The Wither”. With the help of an ancient wand that can cleanse the land and creatures of the infection, Vic's adventure soon becomes a deeper journey to connect with the planet and himself.
The game focuses on exploring four distinct regions, each offering a different ecosystem and wildlife. Vic documents the creatures and plants he finds with photographs, and records additional information about them in Avapédia.
However, rescuing the creatures is not an easy task. After Vic has tamed them, he must transport them to a space station called BioArk. To tame the creatures, Vic uses a magic flute given to him by the locals, with which he can play melodies, which we have to play based on the sounds the creatures make. During a musical mini-game, the notes are displayed visually, but musically gifted players can also try to rely on the melodies alone, but with the right settings, the game will automatically determine which musical note to play. If we succeed in taming the creatures, they will follow us and we can control them. This is necessary because many of the puzzles require us to use the creatures’ different abilities to solve puzzles in different places. This includes removing obstacles, entering tight spaces, and other activities. By building a small camp of followers, the little Hordaini helpers, who follow us everywhere, also provide a great spectacle.