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Binotto: We need to rest

Binotto: We need to rest


Sunday 11 September 2022, 5:48 pm


The past few weeks have been tiring for Ferrari, according to Mattia Binotto, who believes the win was not due to strategy. According to the team boss, Max Verstappen proved to be very fast.

Maranello once again lost a battle against Red Bull after Max Verstappen won the race starting from seventh in Italy, and Charles Leclerc had to settle for second even starting from pole position.

Ferrari didn’t have the best timing for its first stop in Monaco, because despite being called to change the tire during the virtual safety car stage, it was still in the pits when the field received the green signal. The Italians were not lucky to continue either, after the safety car did not come out in time at the end of the race, so they no longer had a chance to attack. According to Mattia Binotto, the defeat was not their fault this time.

“I think Max was faster than us today. He was very strong during the race in terms of handling the tires, so it was difficult for us to beat him. So second place is a great result, Carlos had a great race too, going from 18th to Fourth so I think overall it was a better weekend for us than last time. The car got better when we got here and we did a great job yesterday. When you’re in pole position you wish you could win in front of the crowd but that’s it and Max deserved it ‘,” the specialist told F1TV.

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Binotto believes they deserve a rest because they have been under a lot of pressure over the weekend at home and the past few weeks have been very busy. “We’re going to need some rest. It’s been a very tough race for the team, engineers and mechanics, and we were very busy at Monza, so there was a lot of pressure on us this weekend. Everyone on the team is tired, so they’ll need at least one night’s sleep and one morning’s sleep.” , continued the captain, who briefly touched on what happened in the final laps.

“We just don’t understand why it took so long. It’s a shame that Formula 1 ends up behind the safety car, it’s bad for the show and it’s bad for the sport. I’m sure things could have gone differently if they had hurried things up.”

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