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Birds Fall From The Sky In The World's Hottest City

Birds Fall From The Sky In The World's Hottest City

the in extreme heatWe don’t even need to know what it’s like to suffer in temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celsius: in recent weeks, the inhabitants of the Carpathian Basin have also experienced a lot of it. Let’s think about what life would be like then, or more precisely, survival in the hottest city on Earth, in the Middle East, Kuwait City, where The thermometer often rises above 50 degrees Celsius.

It is no coincidence that dead birds fall from the sky in Arab countries, and air conditioners cool the streets. Locals themselves say so. The scorching heat makes the city uninhabitable in summer.

Kuwait City's situation is not helped by the fact that the city itself is actually a concrete city, which in this way retains heat even more, and in the oil empire area, it also rarely rains, which only aggravates the situation. If all this alone were not enough, the lack of humidity often causes sandstorms in the region, which become more severe every year and only increase the heat.

The highest temperature measured by the Mataraba weather station in Kuwait was 54 degrees Celsius.

How do Kuwaitis deal with temperatures exceeding 50 degrees Celsius?

The three million residents of Kuwait City usually stay indoors on hot days, returning to their well-equipped air-conditioned homes. In addition, cars, offices and shops are all well-equipped with proper cooling equipment.

The Kuwaiti government has already allowed funerals to be held at night instead of during the day, to avoid the harsh sun.

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Animals are less fortunate: According to local reports, it is common for birds to fall dead from the sky due to the heat. Kuwaitis also know that it pays to look under the car before leaving, as stray cats and dogs love to take shelter in the coolness under cars.

In the hottest city in the world, where the average temperature reaches 45 degrees Celsius in the summer, many people naturally choose the escape strategy of leaving the city during the hot summer months and cooling off in a place with a more pleasant climate.


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