“Lenti Áltánálos Iskola y Gimnázium” – this is what is written on the official banner of the Lenti Vörösmarty Vörösmarty member institution, which adorns the wall of the school. But there was not just one typo on the blackboard, because unfortunately for the school, it also said: “Mihály Vörömarty Tag Institute”.
Many people raised their eyebrows at the sight of the blackboard full of typos, and that's why the school's principal, Claudia Arcovicny Pizzetta He was quick to clarify on his Facebook pagewhich:
- They also noticed that the name plate was not a hundred.
- The manufacturer was informed of this immediately.
- Then several times.
- But as it turns out, replacing the panel is not as smooth as it may seem at first glance.
It is not known exactly how long the children below have been at Foromarty Comprehensive School, but based on the school principal's post, it has been at least a few weeks.
The manager wrote on Facebook that they noticed typographical errors on the sign when it was put up, and the manufacturer was immediately notified and asked to fix it and issue new name signs. The company also promised to do this within a short period of time. “Since the incident, I have been urging the reproduction via email every week, because it is not available by phone at all. In my last message, I also thought of sharing consumer protection. So the panels are being replaced.”