According to the United States and the European Union Britain will introduce new trade restrictions and strict export controlsproposes new legislation banning the export to Russia of all dual-use items, including a range of high-tech and biotech equipment and components in the electronics, telecommunications and aerospace fields.
These trade sanctions will limit Russia’s military, industrial and technological capabilities for years to come
Johnson said.
The legislation to implement it will be presented to Parliament early next week.
Russia’s Aeroflot airline will not be allowed to land in the UK and all major Russian banks in the UK will have their assets frozen, including VTB, SBERBANK and Gazprombank.
In addition, four military technology companies were sanctioned.
All sanctions against Russia apply to Belarus as well.
Leader of the opposition Labor Party, Care Strummer He said that major changes must be made in his attitude toward Russia.
For a long time, our country was a safe haven for money that Putin and bandits stole from the Russian people. This needs to change now
– Tell.
Boris Johnson also argues that
Russia should be banned from the SWIFT international payment system, but this can only be done according to the rules of the Allies.
The financial times This was said by some EU officials familiar with the sanctions talks Olaf Schulze And the German chancellor warned that his country had reservations about such a dramatic move, as did the European Union.
Dmitro Koleba The Ukrainian Foreign Minister wrote on his Twitter page today that anyone who doubts that Russia should be excluded from the SWIFT system needs to understand that the deaths of Ukrainian men, women and children also dry up in their souls.
Johnson also argued in a telephone conversation with the G7 today to exclude Russia from the SWIFT system. It was also said that Canada supported it.
In a parliamentary question, Johnson asserted that Britain would defend an ally under Article 5 of NATO if it was attacked by Russia, though she called it a horrific opportunity.
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