It was published in 2013 Starbreeze Adventure game, a Brothers: A story of two sons, which has been one of the pioneers of the typical cooperative action-adventure game of the last ten years, although you can actually only play it alone. However, the story was about two brothers who set out together into a world full of monsters to find the only cure for their father’s illness.
The game received a great reception and managed to perform very well in a year when, among other things, GTA V also appeared. In the eyes of many, it was an inspiration for games like A Plague Tale, where we can also control one member of a pair of brothers.
The original game will also be released for this year’s The Game Awards 505 games He announced that a remake is in the works, for which we don’t have to wait much longer. On the new version it is Vanguard The studio team, who both want to preserve the original game and spice it up with new and exciting features here and there. In this way, for example, the split-screen cooperative mode is also included. This time, half of Unreal Engine 5 will be used for graphics (ten years ago, creators were still using Unreal Engine 3).
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake will be released on February 28, 2024 for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.