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Bruce Willis suffers from a terrible disease

Bruce Willis suffers from a terrible disease

Die Hard’s smiling John MacLean almost completely disappeared from the Hollywood mainstream for a while, now playing roles in the most memorable B cinemas. But what is the reason for this particular neglect? According to some sources, the health legend of the movement legend was shaken, so he changed his style of work.

What happened to Bruce Willis?

Bruce Willis was one of Hollywood’s greatest movie stars in the ’80s and ’90s, and while his brilliance has waned a bit in recent years, his influence on popular culture at the turn of the millennium is incalculable. He stole himself in viewers’ hearts with cult classics like the stream of Die Hard, where he played grinning, burning, sympathetic police officer John McClain, The Last Scout, The Tarpaulin, or The Sixth Sense. Willis has also become an action legend of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone, although the actor, who celebrates his 67th birthday tomorrow, has conquered the canvas not as a muscular, oily giant, but as an athletic but vulnerable average hero but with the help of humor and ingenuity breaks the pepper under Bad guys noses. Willis has worked with directors such as Quentin Tarantino, Wes Anderson, Robert Rodriguez, Richard Linklater, M. Night Shyamalan, Barry Levinson and Edward Zwick during his long and successful career. Proof of her popularity is that in 1999 she was ranked high on Empire magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in Hollywood. Over the past decade, we’ve had a wonderful interruption in Willis’ career. The movie star has played the increasingly forgotten B-movies, and now he’s already producing these dozens of uncharacteristic films at once. Many people guess what may be behind this sad phenomenon: a shocking decoding of the code has now appeared.

Photo: VCG / Getty Images

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