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But what can an AI-infused robotic vacuum cleaner do?

But what can an AI-infused robotic vacuum cleaner do?

For example, it can make our lives more comfortable than before.

In the world of appliances, there is regularly a buzzword that every manufacturer without exception uses to sound new, innovative and groundbreaking. Since the beginning of 2010, everything has become smart, thanks to Internet access, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, then 5G arrived in 2017 (which still does not come close to the advertised capabilities), and now it is all about artificial intelligence as they will say.

AI is making its way into TVs, computers, smartphones, home appliances, and of course everything else. It is still too early to say to what extent such products may deliver on their promises, but it is almost certain that artificial intelligence will turn our lives upside down within a few years, much like the iPhone started the smartphone era in 2007.

But let's not rush forward, because we are still at the beginning of the road, and despite all the talk about this technology these days, we are only now getting a preview of what lies ahead. Of course, artificial intelligence has been present in many devices for years (it is enough to take only smartphones, which take better and better photos thanks in part to trained algorithms), but its presence will already be visible in action from 2024, on the other hand due to the marketing done It's for this purpose, but also because ever-evolving technology will make our devices better.

A good example is the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo robotic vacuum cleaner that debuted at CES this year, which is also equipped with AI technology. Machines of this type have been part of many homes for years, and they have come a long way in just one decade: from models that rolled almost blindly and hit everything at first, we have come up with solutions that take water from the docking station themselves if they run out of water during cleaning, They can walk around and vacuum our homes with complete precision, without any help.

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Smart vacuum cleaner instead of smart

The Bespoke Jet Bot Combo, which comes with a massive docking station, is an absolutely top-notch model in this regard, as it can not only vacuum, but also mop (the latter is performed by a rotating rag), and the base, called the Cleaning Station, works on Extracting and storing dirt collected during cleaning from the machine, and it can refill the empty water tank. The mop pieces are washed, disinfected and deodorized with steam, then dried with hot air before using again.

Of course, some of these functions are not necessarily new in the product category, with the exception of steaming, some of the best models from Chinese manufacturers already knew this in 2023, but Samsung solved all this through artificial intelligence that has been improved over the years, which is Which theoretically makes the product much more efficient than the manufacturer's previous multi-functional cleaning machine.

Peter Birkas /

For example, the Jet Bot Combo can recognize the surface it is cleaning on, and the AI ​​can also detect dry spots on the floor. According to Samsung, the robot itself can “unwrap” it with steam, then clean it with a cloth rotating at 170 revolutions per minute. And that's not all, because at the end of the process, the machine returns to its station to steam clean the rags, thus avoiding the spread of the cleaned dirt to other parts of our house.

Artificial intelligence is also able to navigate more skillfully than before, thanks to the fact that it recognizes objects in its path, among other things. Avoid shoes, pets, and extension cords, as well as feces left by our pets.

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The AI ​​can adjust the suction power to the surface it recognizes, or lift the mops on its own while mopping, so no carpet gets unnecessarily wet.

With such a robot, it is no longer necessary to set non-wiping areas on the map of the relevant application before cleaning, as the device itself can identify suitable areas for scanning.

Naturally, the manufacturer has not yet revealed how much you will have to pay for all this in the store, as well as when the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo will be available. The battery capacity, tank capacity and suction power are also a mystery, but if the machine is really capable of doing everything the manufacturer promised, it can already be said that artificial intelligence has truly made our lives more convenient.

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