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Can you defeat the Elden Ring boss by sitting almost all the way through?

Le tudnál győzni egy Elden Ring bosst úgy, hogy majdnem végig csak ülsz? bevezetőkép

In a stunning video, a player shows why the open world structure of the Elden Ring is such an important innovation.

There are some mistakes that fast runners use out of the game FromSoftware, other aspects start everywhere Carefully The crowded Elden Ringgit camp for players appeared about a month ago. This is also revealed through a fan video, in which the player entrusts one of the game’s first boss fights to his semi-obvious allies.

In front of the Tree Sentinel, players who are already familiar with the Elden Ring are likely to encounter only a jockey who is already a trained boss among the more serious opponents. Thus, a soldier swinging a large golden halberd of a hatchet might be the first challenge that would severely hinder the adventurers.

However, it follows the open world structure of the latest Soul-like game that instead of running upside down over and over until you somehow defeat that particular opponent, you can do so by looking up some other challenges and returning to the boss if your character or ourselves We are more than ready to take on the challenge. This was also done by a player named InfenrnoPlus, and the end result is an amazing video.

In a clip shared on Twitter after being summoned by elden ring Three Ghost Soldiers, available in later parts, comfortably descended on a nearby rock, where they waited motionless for all three Tree Sentinel allies to be settled. Meanwhile, the ghosts tore away the vast majority of the Chief’s life force, leaving the InfernoPlus with just a few spears to defeat the rather formidable opponent.

Of course, the text of the tweet, in which InfernoPlus ironically wrote “difficult to play”, infuriated many, because the post makes an opponent who can be defeated at an early stage with very easy equipment to get later and a character that is perhaps a better level than usual. However, this is an amazing video and it may appeal to the Elden Ring light mode In the absence of such a bypass solution seeks to revive the story.

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