Therefore, the current summer can be said to be the coldest summer in the rest of our lives. It’s only going to get worse, whether we look at droughts or heat waves, Bart Estvan, an energy and climate policy expert and co-chair of Energiaklub, said in an interview with Népszava.
In his opinion, the most important thing in this case is to conserve rainwater when it falls. Everything that flows into the Danube or the Tisza River must be immediately prevented. In the past two hundred years of thinking about water, the goal has been to get rid of water as quickly as possible. We need to shift to a model keeping it in place – he said.
In terms of climate protection, it certainly won’t give the current government enough. as told popularly
The reality of climate change is recognized by the government at the level of words. Climate change has not become a serial plot. However, there were those around Fides who started talking about this a few years ago. In Hungary, there is no need to discuss what is being discussed in the Czech Republic or Poland, and whether climate change can be scientifically proven. This is an outcome in itself, a good starting point.
Stefan Barth reminded that Parliament has a climate law adopted in 2020, under which Hungary and Russia pledge to become climate neutral by 2050. This means that we can only emit as much carbon dioxide as our forests and fields absorb. We are in 2022, and it follows the commitment that in 28 years there will be no gas in any of our apartments. And what will happen instead?
According to the expert’s answer
Is it something else. Heat pump, sustainable biomass, electricity from non-fossil sources, hydrogen in some cases. A hundred years ago, houses were still heated with coal. Today we no longer smoke with coal. What will replace gas is an important question, but anything is better than fossil fuels, coal, gas or oil. If we stick to these things, we can definitely say goodbye to our current world.
István Barth also spoke of “burning everything” as an old problem in Hungary, and is likely to become an even bigger problem as a result of higher prices. However, according to the Weather Working Group’s studies, it’s not just about the poor. It’s not just burning with waste or plastic, for those who don’t need anything else.
Many people think it is a good idea to throw painted pieces of wood into the kettle. It will be the task of the county offices to take action against such actions harmful to health, but they do not have the capacity to take action. In fact, the fight against waste incineration should be by the police
– He announced.
(Cover Photo: Boats on the bottom of Lake Velence, near Bakuzd on July 28, 2022. Photo: Tamás Vasvári/MTI)