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Catalog – Tech-Science – The Floating City in the Maldives could populate in two years

Catalog – Tech-Science – The Floating City in the Maldives could populate in two years

A new city emerging from the ocean in the Maldives. The construction of the water city will be ready by 2027, but we can move on two years later.

The Floating City of the Maldives (The Floating City of the Maldives) is starting to take shape after more than a decade of planning, and construction has begun, according to the British newspaper The Guardian. CNN.

The Maldives consists of 1,190 islands, 80 percent of which are less than one meter above sea level, so the country is in grave danger. It will likely be completely submerged by the end of the century. That’s why the islands government decided to visit architect Koen Olthuis, founder of WaterStudio, a company that specializes in building on water. Olthuises have already designed more than 300 floating buildings around the world that serve as homes, offices, schools and even medical centers.

green island

Speaking to CNN, Olthuis said that before starting the Maldives project, environmental aspects were carefully studied and precautions were taken to protect underwater life. For example, they were able to connect artificial reef banks to the bottom of the city, which promotes the natural growth of coral reefs. The city is designed to be self-sufficient: solar panels will generate electricity, and waste will be treated on site and then used as fertilizer for the plants. Instead of air conditioning, deep sea water is pumped into the lake to cool the city.

How to build an island city

The units that make up the city are assembled at a local shipyard, towed to the planned site, where the parts are attached to a large concrete hull. This concrete monster is anchored to the seabed with telescopic steel.

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Each unit is hexagonal, giving the lagoon city a reef-like appearance from a distance. The reefs surrounding the floating dwellings act as natural barriers and stabilize the structure.

The city of 20,000 residents is a 10-minute boat ride from Male, the capital of the Maldives. We can also start providing a floating home, which is expected to cost between $150,000 and $250,000.

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