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China’s espionage cases for the CIA were dropped

China’s espionage cases for the CIA were dropped

China just passed its new counter-espionage law in July, alarming America and the European Union.

A spy in China has been exposed as supplying the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with sensitive military information – He writes Al Jazeera quoted a statement issued by the Ministry of State Security in Beijing. The 52-year-old man is of Chinese nationality voice He was introduced because he worked for a military company and was allegedly set up by the CIA during his study trip to Italy. According to the statement, the Americans offered Zeng a “huge sum of compensation” and his family the opportunity to immigrate to the United States.

According to Chinese channel CCTV, the man signed an agreement with the United States and received training before returning to his homeland. According to the broadcaster, “coercive measures” were used against the man, but she did not specify exactly what that meant.

Chinese newspaper Global Times believes this is the name of the US embassy employee who allegedly organized Zenget Seth He was and remained in contact with the Chinese network through “dinner parties, trips and visits to the opera.”

Zeng gradually became psychologically dependent, and Seth took advantage of this to instill Western values ​​in him. Zeng’s political values ​​were shaken by Seth’s influence

The state-run Global Times newspaper reported. According to the newspaper, the case has been referred to the Chinese Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Reuters sent questions to the US Embassy in Beijing regarding the alleged espionage case, but has not yet received a response.

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In July, China introduced its new counter-espionage law, which prohibits the transfer of any information related to national security interests. However, it is not clear what exactly is meant by this. The new law raised concern in the United States. Jorge Toledo EU Ambassador to China in May He said: I’m not sure that opening up the Chinese economy is compatible with the anti-espionage law.

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