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Curtis' girlfriend talked about the breakup

Curtis' girlfriend talked about the breakup

As we wrote, Curtis' girlfriend, basketball player Judit Barnai, complained at length on her social media page at the beginning of June that she was not feeling well, and a few weeks later she published a post in which she also hinted at a breakup. So far, neither of them has commented on the state of their relationship recently, but Judit Barnai finally spoke out.

They write a lot about us, but we do not deal with them.

However, we just laugh about the whole thing.” Tell For the story magazine.

According to Judit Barnay's latest statement, everything is fine between them, but one of their acquaintances has darkened the picture: “They have broken up several times, but this does not seem like a sudden decision. That's why it does not happen overnight.

They bond over the family home they dreamed of together, 2Pac, their dog and their four years together.

Overcoming many obstacles together, and of course love. “So Judy hasn’t moved on yet,” an informant who knows Curtis well told the newspaper.

What happened before?

Judit Barnay first wrote on Instagram about a month ago that she wasn't feeling well: she was tired, and it was time to take care of herself. “I've been thinking a lot about whether I should write down what I've been feeling for days, weeks and months. It's interesting how far I've come in 4 years for people to recognize me. Often it's just that it was deep rather than loud… I started Recently I've been seeing a psychiatrist to help me a little, because even though I feel like I've done more than I could in years, now

I felt like I couldn't go on, that I was falling apart, and that something or someone needed to help me.

The psychiatrist asked me: Judit, why are you doing this to yourself? I cried because I didn't know the answer, he said start taking care of yourself, put yourself first… I have no idea how to do it, because I've always been a person who wants good for everyone, help me wherever and whenever I need it, if it's good for everyone, so I said ok, now It could be good for me too… I thought, but doesn't that make me selfish?! Taking care of myself, what is good for me, putting myself first??

So much pain, suffering and humiliation… I am the athlete, how did I get here?? In all this??

I was strong because I showed it. Meanwhile, there are many thorns in my heart and soul. I'm strong because I never give up on anything, but now I must never give up on healing myself and putting what's good for me first! So that I can be okay too! “No, I don't want to show up and say that everything is fine… because I'm tired,” he wrote at the beginning of June, which could not be a reference to the difficulties he faces in his professional life, but rather to relationships. problems.

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