The National Student Government Conference (HÖOK) and the University of Debrecen have launched the first season of the HÖOK National Esports Championship.
Have you heard about the biggest college esports tournament of the year?
Fight the college battle and show where the best players go!
The University of Debrecen, in collaboration with HÖOK, is presenting the first national university esports tournament of the year.
Universities can compete in four matches:
- HearthStone (maximum 64 people)
- League of Legends (maximum 32 teams)
- Valor (32 teams max)
- Rocket League (up to 64 teams)
Online games that you can play from your own device at home; to apply for this link You can by clicking, after which the details will be sent by e-mail; Information about the draw and the first round will arrive on October 14th.
You’ll have 3-4 days to play each round, talk to your opponents, and match dates are up to you! May win right!
1st Place – EFOTT 2023 Season Pass + HEG Premium Jacket
2nd Place – EFOTT 2023 Day Pass + HEG Premium Vest
3rd Place – Premium HEG Jacket
Source: National Conference of Student Government