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Dixville Notch 2020 results: Joe Biden gets all five votes in a small town and is one of the first to announce results on Election Day

Dixville Notch 2020 results: Joe Biden gets all five votes in a small town and is one of the first to announce results on Election Day
Casting their votes in the minutes after midnight, they became early adopters and actors Election Day.
By tradition, all eligible voters congregate on the floors. “Polling roomAt The Balsams Resort in Dixville Notch to Cast their secret ballots Once the polls open at midnight. Once every ballot is cast, the ballots are counted and the results announced – hours before anywhere else, making it a favorite spot for journalists and observers eager for any hints of what is to come on Election Day.

Despite the interest, the unregistered borough at the northern tip of New Hampshire doesn’t always foretell a final winner, or even a state choice.

In 2016, Dixville Notch He went on to choose Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, Although the then-Republican Party candidate Donald Trump He went on to win the Electoral College.

Nearby Millsfield also opened the polls in the middle of the night. Trump won Millsfield 16-5 over Biden.

Even so, the pandemic has spoiled plans for midnight voting in Harz Location, a southern town in the White Mountains, according to officials. WMUR said. All 48 voters there can cast their ballots during normal daylight hours instead of the traditional midnight count.

But Dixville Notch voters won’t have to worry about any lines coming in at midnight – there were only 12 townspeople as of the 2010 census.

The tradition of voting prevailed in the early hours In the primary and general elections Since 1960, despite the dwindling population in the municipality and a brief question of how the February primaries would be held after the Mukhtar had left the city, which meant that no one was available to help administer the elections.

Fortunately for the political junkies who moved to Dixville Notch, the position was held and the tradition has continued for its 60th year.

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