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Do you have an Xbox Series You can improve graphics performance with this little trick!

Do you have an Xbox Series  You can improve graphics performance with this little trick!

Technology News – Xbox Series X/S users may want to consider turning off a feature in their console settings…

The Xbox Series It has a lot of hidden features that you probably don't know about unless you wander through the settings menu regularly.

Now, some players are encouraging other players to go into settings and turn off a certain feature for a better overall experience.

In a Reddit thread written by jeebusjunior, it was hinted that some games can look horribly “blurry, blurry, and jumbled” when the system's HDR is turned on. This is just a setting that tells the TV to enable HDR when playing games. In principle, this should lead to a clearer overall picture.

The user also said that he fiddled with the settings in-game before finally turning them off on the console, which apparently made a “world of difference” in performance.

It turns out that some TVs don't need Xbox to tell them when to enable HDR and when not to. So being present sometimes doesn't make a difference anyway.

So, if you're playing games that feel a little weird, like Wild Hearts, your controller might be playing tricks on you. In this case, you may want to try the following and see if anything changes.

To access the console's HDR settings, you must navigate through the following menus: Settings > General > TV & Display Options > Video Modes, and here you can turn off the HDR function.

Here's another hidden trick for your Xbox Series

There are a lot of other places this came from. Especially when Xbox sends out a new system update with a bunch of features that it doesn't tell us about. It's helpful to check out different related forums and Reddit threads from time to time…

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source: Reddit

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