Many people complain that not only their correspondence is cluttered with various newsletters, but also their calendars.
One particularly useful function of Google Calendar is that it automatically recognizes and plans various events on our schedule. For example, if we buy a plane or train ticket online and receive it by e-mail, the trip will be automatically planned in our calendar. However, the feature can also be used in bad faith, and of course we were able to exceed the health limit in this area as well.
On various social platforms and forums, more and more people are complaining that Google Calendar can automatically generate events from almost any email, and this is causing serious inconvenience to users.
Events and reminders are generated throughout the day primarily from newsletters and other marketing inquiries, and in many cases based on emails that recipients have not yet opened.
you ya @google calendar I started generating random events based on the emails I received…it’s just like spam marketing content and newsletters.
What the hell new is this?
– Christina Stephens (@CEStephens) December 23, 2022
It is not yet known what exactly caused the problem, but until Google finds the source of the error, you may want to simply disable this feature.
We can do this by removing the checkmark from the appropriate place in Settings >> Events of the Gmail tab after opening the calendar.