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Do young people really go to social media to learn?

Do young people really go to social media to learn?

It is important for a large number of young people who are commonly referred to as Internet addicts to be educational. Social Media– Content consumption. In many cases, the need to gain knowledge and gain useful insights can precede the consumption of humor, according to a comprehensive Samsung survey of 1,200 people this spring. From its research.

A platform that provides opportunities for the generation to develop, Future Academy One of the pillars of the research – in addition to the desires and motivations of today's youth – also addressed their social media habits. Among other things, they sought an answer about the aspects that guide the age group when they “follow” a person or a page on a social media platform. The reasons vary according to the younger generations.

While alpha and secondary Generation Z (Those born between 1995 and 2009, and those after 2010 are Alphas) ​​Most people follow funny content, while for the older Generation Z (those who have already completed high school), the benefit is at least as important, or even more important, than a joke.

In addition, they are less concerned about whether their friends are following the particular page, as well as about not missing out on some popular things or phenomena.

In the case of the older Generation Z, the top three reasons for their adoption include loss of credibility, forced advertising, and ideological distance. These results are a good example of the awareness trait of Generation Z and their need to acquire knowledge.

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