A pair of dogs tore off the fenders and fenders of cars at a used car dealership in Houston, Texas (USA), which was recorded by its surveillance cameras. The foursome appeared over three nights as “return criminals” and damaged five cars valued at no less than $100,000, or 34.7 million forints, but could even reach $350,000, or $87 million currently. The exchange rate corresponds to.

“You would never think a dog would have that much strength to damage a car like this,” he said. to ABC13 Sales Manager at G Motors. He said they initially thought the wolves were causing damage to the commercial area, but it turned out from surveillance camera footage that it was a few dogs. Gabi Fakhoury added: In addition to the physical damage, it is feared that the injuries will also drive away potential customers.

Additionally, the store’s hands are tied in the situation, because despite the complaint, it is treating the matter as a civil matter as long as the dogs don’t hurt people. Authorities suggested that the store hire a private investigator who would track the dogs back to their original habitat, and if they could find their owner, a compensation claim could be filed against him.