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Dream or Hell of Heaven? The latest Al Jazeera series on Netflix is ​​brutal and exciting! Film Criticism

Dream or Hell of Heaven?  The latest Al Jazeera series on Netflix is ​​brutal and exciting!  Film Criticism

Who wouldn’t want to spend a fierce night on a tropical island in paradise? Unless it turns into hell the next day.

Arrived on May 6th Netflix His latest Spanish series, which reminds me a bit of Lost. On Paradise Island, Eden presents the party of your life. The community there lives a completely sustainable life, all in luxury and promises to allow you to spend an unforgettable night with the lucky ones.

But who can access the island and how?

“are you happy?” Young people who love to party in an engaging way and are active in social media are being questioned and cheated on teens in the biggest and most exclusive event of their lives, which takes place on a top-secret island.

The elect don’t even know that the islanders of Eden are looking for the five perfect candidates who will join their community forever, often despite their will.

Wonderful!  Wonderful!

Wonderful! “Where did Bermega Island go?”

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When the elect realize where they have fallen and that there is not necessarily a way out of the paradise of Hell, the events of the series unfold.

The characters also have unique stories, which is why I made a parallel with the Lost Hell Eden series. It gives the essence of the series the way the characters are manipulated with false feelings, and they wake up and revolt well as a result of what happened. The series also faithfully reflects who is going to do what to do and how we live in a self-sufficient society. There are many mysteries in the plot that will not be revealed, but for those who loved the series, this is good news, as there will be next season where we hope to learn more about Eden’s purpose and history.

If you’re interested, check out the series on YouTube:

Cover Photo: Illustration by Profimedia

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