According to the traffic specialist, the frequency reduction in BKK is faulty, so the system must be repaired. The mayor will be helpful in this.

As previously reported, on Thursday, Bangkok Airport acknowledged information written by the previous day that, the following day, several of its popular flights became irregular.

Because of the decision – or, more precisely, the preparation for it – a serious dispute broke out between the BKK and the Közlekédő Tömeg organisation, but in the meantime the company was sharply criticized by David Vitese. Shortly after, Walter Katalin admitted that they had made a mistake in introducing a reduction in the number of flights in Bangkok.

Vitezi wrote again on Facebook about Bangkok's decision – to be precise, he posted a letter addressed to Mayor Gergely Karacsony. As he writes,

“The negative effects of the reduced number of flights served by Bangkok under the grass were already evident on the first cold morning: passengers experienced longer waiting times and greater congestion on the affected flights.”

The transport specialist noted that although the CEO of Bangkok Airport apologized for the preparation and misinformation, the mayor preferred to rely on words rather than deal with the effects of the reduced flight schedule.

“You can call it an action, a traffic intervention, a change in traffic habits, a reconsolidation, a redistribution of capacity, or you can say it slowly so everyone understands, but the point is still the same: there are fewer vehicles on the 53 lines and there are no more.” “From that – the PKK statement doesn't say otherwise either. And that, no matter where we look, means fewer trips.”


Davide Vitese concluded his post by saying: He is offering his help in reforming and simplifying the system.

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