The loan application from Budapest, Gödöllő or Miskolc was rejected, and Békéscsaba, Szolnok and Szarvas received the loan amount. The ministry explained the reason.

Magyar Közlöny newspaper published on Thursday revealed that the government rejected loan applications from, for example, Budapest, Godolo, Miskolc and Dunajvaros, while the government granted loan amounts to, for example, Bekissaba, Szolnok, Zarvas and Sopron.

The first are the municipalities led by the opposition, and the second are led by the government party.

The government decided to meet the needs of a total of 26 settlements, and among the larger cities, the opportunity to borrow was given almost exclusively to those led by Fidesz (as well as Béquixaba, which is run by an independent mayor close to Fidesz). The only exception is Siofok, which received permission to conduct a $600 million development guarantee or guarantee for the renovation and development of some municipal facilities and the modernization of heating and lighting systems.

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the ATV News Contact the Ministry of Construction and Transport and ask on a selection basis.

The answer was sent by the Communications Department of the Ministry of Interior. they write

“The government always makes the decision based on the applications submitted. Its purpose is to maintain the performance of local governments and prevent local governments from becoming indebted, which is why it examines each loan application individually. It has supported loan applications submitted by those municipalities that manage their business well Which is not at risk of bankruptcy and indebtedness.”