At the same time, new bonds will be issued, but their rates are not yet known.

Hungary made an offer to buy back its dollar bonds due in 2023 and 2024, and also announced that it will issue new bonds with maturities of five, ten and thirty years, he wrote. Reuters. The total value of outstanding bonds exceeds HUF 1,000 billion.

The exact pricing of the new bonds was pledged later, all that is known now is that they plan to issue notes worth around $4 billion, Zoltan Corali, director of the Center for State Debt Management, previously said. announce. Coralli also announced at the time that in addition to dollar bonds issued in the first half of the year, euro bonds are also expected to be issued at some point.

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the a file In the meantime, I also announce the preliminary results of the papers, which will develop as follows:

  • 5 years: US government bonds + 245 basis points (plus or minus 5 basis points). This means that in addition to the 3.83% US five-year yield, there is a 6.26% yield in dollars, which, when exchanged for euros, will certainly be less than this.
  • 10-year: US yield +285 basis points. The American 10-year yield is 3.68% plus the premium which yields a dollar yield of 6.53%. The source is also exchanged in euros by ÁKK, which makes it somewhat cheaper, perhaps as little as 6%.
  • 30 year US yield +330 basis points. The American long term yield is 3.78%, so with the premium there is likely to be a dollar yield of over 7%, which could come down somewhat with the swap.


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