Let’s wear masks again and let the most vulnerable get vaccinated again – advise the French experts, who say this will prevent Covid-19 from spoiling the summer of 22 as well.

Let’s get the mask back on public transportation right away! – The head of the Emergency Doctors Organization asked the appalled French audience on one of the TV channels. Those who were preparing for this holiday were even more amazed, because this commitment ended only a month ago. Almost everyone felt the epidemic was over. However, it turned out very quickly that this was not the case: Omicron was replaced by two highly contagious versions of the coronavirus. One came to France from Portugal and the other from South Africa. The Parisian said Ba.4 is three times more contagious than Ba.5, and it is three times more contagious than alpha virus. Le FigaroVirus world. He added: Infection can occur even from a distance of two meters. Not many cases have yet been reported from hospitals, but according to experts, infection with the two new species lasts longer than Omicron. You must be prepared for a longer absence due to the announcement of Covid-19 in the workplace.

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Seventh wave

In Portugal, the epidemic reached its peak two months after the emergence of the new virus variant. The new variant was discovered in France four weeks ago. Based on this, experts believe that the peak of the seventh wave may occur in July. Last year, the delta variable reached its peak at the end of July, and now the same can be expected for Ba.5. Fortunately, the school year is over, which greatly reduces the risk of infection. On the other hand, the virus can easily spread on beaches and summer events.

According to the majority of experts, it would be advisable to make the wearing of masks mandatory again in France. There are even those who propose a new vaccination campaign. Mainly for the vulnerable age group, but there are those who recommend another vaccination for everyone to overcome the seventh wave of the Covid epidemic.


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