Rachel Reeves, who tabled the first budget proposal for the Labor government that took power after July's parliamentary elections in the House of Commons...
Based on user feedback, three older mobile phones were affected. While the general purpose of updates is to improve hardware, improve performance, and patch...
– The Ministry of National Economy, which is responsible for consumer protection, cooperates actively and constructively with all actors of the institutional system of...
[{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ed4f064e-cef3-49f8-8606-80827809222b”,”c_author”:”hvg360″,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Az EU-nak arcizma sem rezdül az osztrák szélsőjobb győzelmére, írja a két társszerző, Barbara Moens, illetve Nicholas Vinocur. Egyelőre azt a jelszót látják érvényesnek,...
Aron Varsani, a spokesman for Momentum, posted a video on social media showing that he placed a canvas with the inscription “Ruszkiccicska Orbán” in...
Producing commercially usable energy from nuclear fusion is still closer to science fiction than reality, so it is still worth paying attention to nuclear...
Battery technology for electric cars “Holy Grail” It may arrive sooner than expected, promising longer range and faster charging. According to Lian Yubo, a...