Rachel Reeves, who tabled the first budget proposal for the Labor government that took power after July's parliamentary elections in the House of Commons...
On Tuesday, America imposed major restrictions on visa-free travel for people from Hungary, Politico reported on the 24th. So far, under the US visa-free...
Three companies can prepare study plans for the Kaposvár-Szigetvár highway and the bypass road, as well as KHT documents by obtaining an environmental protection...
budget Later Provides for the protection of pensions and family allowances, And the Coverage needed to keep overhead expenses low, While enhancing economic performance...
In an indictment filed in federal court in California, prosecutors accused Linwei Ding, a 38-year-old Chinese national, of uploading trade secrets from Google's laptop...
[{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3f3e5c1c-3ba9-48df-a4ba-4286dd461900″,”c_author”:”HVG360″,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A Neue Zürcher Zeitung a szlovák miniszterelnök merénylet utáni első nyilatkozatát idézi, melyben az ellenzéket és a médiát okolja a történtekért. A lengyel parlament...
Instead of armed robot dogs and software creating deepfake images, we saw the upside of artificial intelligence at an international event. The International Telecommunication...