Rachel Reeves, who tabled the first budget proposal for the Labor government that took power after July's parliamentary elections in the House of Commons...
Több mint 12 éve már annak, hogy egy ország búcsúzott a MALÉV-től, vagyis a Magyar Légiközlekedési Vállalattól, amely 1946-tól kezdve meghatározó szereplője volt a...
By linking natural and artificial intelligence, new types of transportation solutions are being created, which can also address the problems of ever-growing cities. Participants...
The US financial regulator, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), has adopted a “click-to-cancel” rule, under which customers can cancel previously concluded subscription contracts with...
Sandor Chani, the leader of the Public Prosecutor's Office, spoke harshly to the government, because the banking sector bears burdens that no other country...
Autumn holiday dates between October 26 and November 3 are showing high interest among domestic travelers booking on Szallas.hu: the number of advance bookings...