An important discovery has been made regarding one of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe.
Although Albert Einstein, considered one of the greatest scientists in history, has been dead for nearly seventy years, the findings of the theoretical physicist who successfully predicted the existence of black holes still provide work for astrophysicists today. This is proven by the recent British discovery, which confirmed an important prediction of the father of the theory of relativity.
According to one of Einstein's theories, the gravity near black holes is so strong that the particles here are no longer able to follow a safe circular path, but instead fall towards the object at an enormous speed, approaching the speed of light, and now this is the case. He revealed that the so-called autumn zone already exists.
the The Independent Based on his report This was confirmed by researchers at the University of Oxford by analyzing X-ray data, proving that Einstein was not wrong about gravity.
“Einstein's theory predicted the existence of ultimate collapse, but this is the first time we have been able to prove that it happens. We think this is an exciting new development in the study of black holes, because it allows us to probe this ultimate region. This is the only way we can understand the force of gravity.” Fully.”
– He praised the discovery by Dr. Andrew Mummery of the Department of Physics at the University of Oxford. Scientists involved in the study believe this to be the case Published in the Oxford Academic Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Their study puts an end to the decades-long debate in professional circles about the existence of fall zones.
Oxford researchers worked for years to develop the model needed for the discovery, using data from X-ray telescopes and the International Space Station (ISS). Speaking about the result, Mummery also revealed that a second team from Oxford could come close to capturing images of larger, more distant black holes later this year.
For those interested in the topic, it might be worth taking a look at the film NASA shared in May, which provided a stunning model of what falling into a black hole would be like.