Netflix has announced where it will debut its Netflix Houses, which combine Disneyland and shopping malls, which will debut early in 2025. The purpose...
Based on seismic data dating back two decades, American, Chinese and Canadian scientists have concluded that the rotation of the Earth's core has slowed...
During a pilot project at the exhibition in London, visitors wore headphones connected to an electroencephalogram (EEG) monitor. An immediate visualization of their brainwave...
Courtesy of Netflix There are a lot of stereotypes about the treatment of writers in Hollywood. “The Witcher” creator Andrzej Sapkowski became very familiar...
“Driven by desire, humans destroy everything they can get their hands on and drive other species to extinction. Humans are viruses, monsters are vaccines.”...
Very frustrating. On Tuesday, Bence Istenes showed a bunch of hateful comments on his Instagram page about how his followers are bullying him against...