Robert WoodThe Deputy Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, Pyongyang, warned on Wednesday that its North Korean soldiers entering the...
Már javában tart az Ázsia Expressz és fogynak a versenyzők. Cserpes Lauráéknak egy családi tragédia miatt fel kellett adnia a versenyt, de új játékosok...
According to October horoscopes, we can expect serious changes this month. Jupiter, the planet of great fortune, begins to retrograde, but there will be...
A Budapesti Klasszikus Film Maraton keretében visszatértek a nagyvászonra a mozi nagy korszakait idéző hollywoodi produkciók, kedvenc hazai klasszikusaink és a világ filmkincsének ritka...
The 52-year-old actress deliberately turned her back on Hollywood. The premiere of the year's most anticipated film on Netflix has been postponed. Half the...
According to the Canadian model with a turbocharged figure front and back, she was apparently kicked off the plane because her massive implants were...