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Even though he slammed on the brakes, the crippled Cybertruck accelerated

Even though he slammed on the brakes, the crippled Cybertruck accelerated

The Tesla Cybetruck produced another worrying error phenomenon, which the owner himself reported on his Twitter account. He waited for the car for five years, but then he could only enjoy the fun of the electric truck for four hours, because the machine crashed into a house and was badly damaged.

The model has already been recalled due to a loose cap on the accelerator pedal, which can slip and thus lock the pedal when pressed, resulting in unexpected acceleration.

The Cybertruck can still be stopped by pressing the brake pedal to force it to fully decelerate, but then you have to stop the car and release the pedal manually, otherwise it will start again on its own. It goes without saying that it is not easy to remain calm in such a situation, if an 845-horsepower, 3-ton electric pickup starts running against our will, it is a recipe for disaster.

But this case was different. Here the owner braked with all his might but was unable to stop the acceleration. The braking effect did not exceed the acceleration function, he tweeted[[” embedded=”” url=”” link=””>@bfreshwa néven futó tulajdonos állítása szerint mind a gázpedál, mind a kormány nem reagált a rémisztő eset során, így az autó hosszú féknyomot húzva száguldott bele a szomszéd házába, az esetet egy térfigyelő kamera rögzítette. A hátsó, blokkoló tengely 15 méteres csíkot húzott, de az elöl dolgozó villanymotor nem állt meg, ezért bekövetkezett a baleset. 

Az esettel kapcsolatban a tulajdonos megkereste a Teslát is, de hivatalos, pontos választ nem tudtak adni a hiba forrását illetően, talán szoftveres probléma lehetett, a lejtőn haladva valamiért a fékezés nem írta felül a gyorsítási szándékot.

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