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Everyone is fascinated by the church bar in Brienburg, Albania

Everyone is fascinated by the church bar in Brienburg, Albania

A winding path under the green rows of trees leads to the Prinbergbahn, where St. Barbara’s Church appears almost out of nowhere. You can immediately identify the miner’s vault on the side of the huge building, where there is a huge cross adorning the wall next to the entrance. Guests cling to their pearl sprinkles and chat cheerfully with János Kenedli, the bar owner.

It’s always nice in Bányász Pince, and everyone knows everyone / Photo: László Grnák

This place is known as the tavern church, but many people think, what kind of church is there a tavern? On the contrary, the church pub looks better, although we are officially considered a liquor store – The owner of our newspaper started.

In the afternoon hours, those who want to quench their thirst roam around, then sit in the cold, pulling out a stack of papers.

/ Photo: Laszlo Grnak

Josef Varga, Tibor Jagda, Laszlo Novak, and Zoltan Odrovics escape the heat to a chilly card party / Photo: Laszlo Grnak

At that time, a large building stood on the site of the cultural center, which housed a ballroom, a restaurant and a sweet shop. The fixed gravity was declared, so it was demolished in 1971, after which the tavern was arranged in the former warehouse, where the church was subsequently erected – Janos says between pouring two beers.

Clients are mostly regulars and picnics, but sometimes, after Mass, the faithful also stop for refreshments.

Those who visit for the first time are often surprised that we are both a church and a pub. There were cases where, out of curiosity, they ran quickly to see what a church service looked like above a tavern. – said Janos, then added: The two societies get along well, respect each other.

(latest news here)

The parishioners Janus and Attila Nemeth fell in the heart of a small, peaceful settlement, not far from the Austrian border, though a few years ago. After the entrance to the miner’s vault and a few steps away, we stumble upon a uniquely looking church, where Father greets us in person.

/ Photo: Laszlo Grnak

Attila Nemeth has been a parish priest in Brienburgbani for nearly 20 years / Photo: Laszlo Jrnak

Inside, the curved wooden structure symbolizes the mine lanes, as the church was built specifically for miners. According to legend, a shepherd boy lit a fire while grazing, which caused the coal to completely penetrate into the ground, and therefore coal mining first began in Hungary in the 1700s. “Brennberg” in Hungarian means burning mountain – said the parish priest Attila Nemeth.

/ Photo: Laszlo Grnak

The unique curved wooden structure evokes the atmosphere of the mines / Photo: László Grnák

The memory of the former miners is preserved to this day in the church named after their patron saint.

As in most mining areas, the church is dedicated to Saint Barbara, who is considered the patron saint of miners. It can also be seen on the stained glass window above the altar, which was relocated here from the earlier smaller chapel.

Opposite the building is a huge clearing, behind the statue of the patron saint, a small theater, playground and basketball backboard melting in the heat.

We hold a Holy Mass every Sunday at three o’clock, at which time 40-50 people usually come to us. On weekdays we organize smaller holidays and funerals, but other than that, we get along well with the pub, we don’t bother each other. They respect the spirit and holiness of the place, we have never had any conflict. After all, the pub was not far from the churches The deputy said with a smile.

one about settlement video It was also made, which shows the entire history of Brennbergbánya.

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