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Excellent students (+photo gallery) – more Kisbér

Excellent students (+photo gallery) – more Kisbér

/Photo: Facebook/ásari jászai Mari School Elementary/ /

the Iszary Jaszai Mary Primary School stated that this year Jaszai Marie Mary organizes their fictional and broadcasting competition.

They also wrote, 12 schools and 4 kindergartens were accepted and nominated a total of 104 children's kindergarten and school children.

Raise the light of the afternoon by accepting their invitation and 5-6. In the age group, performed by Tünde Török Dávid Rozványi, whose work was made to compete, the age groups of the higher degree.

The following results were made in the competition:


  1. Place: bianka zséfár ásari kuckó children kindergarten
  2. Place: Andor Dalma ásari Kuckó Kindergarten Children
  3. Location: Nurina Nurina Mozoreste Talcumum, a reformist kindergarten kindergarten
  4. Put tóth bendegúz mezőörsi talentum reformed ristergarten

Special Prize: Kinga Rácz ásári Kuckó Kindergarten Children

First row:

  1. Place: zsófia Letenyei Kisbér Peetfi Sándor Elementary
  2. Location: lópez tóth natalia emperor zrínyi Ilona School Elementary
  3. Place: csidei meda nagyigmándi Pápay József Elementary
  4. Place: BOTOND Kálnai ászáry Jászai Mari Primary

Special Prize: Wolf Panca School Liliana Reedy Mora Ferrenk Elementary

Second grade

  1. Place: Varga Zoé Nagyigmándi Pápay József Elementary
  2. Place: Christophe Moulinar Primary School
  3. Place: mátyás horváth ásári jászai Mari Primary
  4. Place: árvai jázmin bakonysárkányi feekte István Elementary

Special Prize: Four Majeri Gaszai Mary Primary School

Third grade

  1. Place: Sara Kennedy Gaszai Mary Primary School
  2. Place: Mira Pintér Kisbér Peetfi Sándor School Elementary
  3. Location: Luka Johsz Aszri Jaszai Mary Primary
  4. Place: Vivien Micskó Bakonysárkányi Fekete István Elementary

Special Prize: Krekács Zétény Hungarian ámk – mezőörs

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Fourth grade

  1. Hungarian place
  2. Put Borbla Pelichkki Kisper Bettyi San Sandwor Elementary
  3. The place of Timona Nagy ászári jászai Mary Primary
  4. Anna vaveics bakonysárkányi Fekete István Elementary

Special Prize

5-6. Study colleagues

  1. Sára Letenyei Kisbér Peetfi Sándor Primor
  2. Ligeeti fruszina ászári jászai mari primary
  3. Location: Zeke Jázmin Nagyigmándi Pápay József Elementary
  4. Place: Balázs Kádár Workshop ámk – Mezőörs

Special Prize: Léna Kocsis SúRi Arany János Primary School

7-8. Study colleagues

  1. Place: Zoé Kisbéri Petefi Sándor Primary
  2. Place: Kitti Gecziner Kitti ásári jászai Mari Primary
  3. Place: Bajcsai áfra Kisbéri Petefi Sándor Elementary
  4. Place: máté fésüs primary school

Special Prize: DJ Kolonics Bakonyszombathellyi Bundek Elek Elentari School

We have written about students ’performance in Kisbér here:

Verses, places of platform

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