/Photo: Facebook/ásari jászai Mari School Elementary/ /
the Iszary Jaszai Mary Primary School stated that this year Jaszai Marie Mary organizes their fictional and broadcasting competition.
They also wrote, 12 schools and 4 kindergartens were accepted and nominated a total of 104 children's kindergarten and school children.
Raise the light of the afternoon by accepting their invitation and 5-6. In the age group, performed by Tünde Török Dávid Rozványi, whose work was made to compete, the age groups of the higher degree.
The following results were made in the competition:
- Place: bianka zséfár ásari kuckó children kindergarten
- Place: Andor Dalma ásari Kuckó Kindergarten Children
- Location: Nurina Nurina Mozoreste Talcumum, a reformist kindergarten kindergarten
- Put tóth bendegúz mezőörsi talentum reformed ristergarten
Special Prize: Kinga Rácz ásári Kuckó Kindergarten Children
First row:
- Place: zsófia Letenyei Kisbér Peetfi Sándor Elementary
- Location: lópez tóth natalia emperor zrínyi Ilona School Elementary
- Place: csidei meda nagyigmándi Pápay József Elementary
- Place: BOTOND Kálnai ászáry Jászai Mari Primary
Special Prize: Wolf Panca School Liliana Reedy Mora Ferrenk Elementary
Second grade
- Place: Varga Zoé Nagyigmándi Pápay József Elementary
- Place: Christophe Moulinar Primary School
- Place: mátyás horváth ásári jászai Mari Primary
- Place: árvai jázmin bakonysárkányi feekte István Elementary
Special Prize: Four Majeri Gaszai Mary Primary School
Third grade
- Place: Sara Kennedy Gaszai Mary Primary School
- Place: Mira Pintér Kisbér Peetfi Sándor School Elementary
- Location: Luka Johsz Aszri Jaszai Mary Primary
- Place: Vivien Micskó Bakonysárkányi Fekete István Elementary
Special Prize: Krekács Zétény Hungarian ámk – mezőörs
Fourth grade
- Hungarian place
- Put Borbla Pelichkki Kisper Bettyi San Sandwor Elementary
- The place of Timona Nagy ászári jászai Mary Primary
- Anna vaveics bakonysárkányi Fekete István Elementary
Special Prize
5-6. Study colleagues
- Sára Letenyei Kisbér Peetfi Sándor Primor
- Ligeeti fruszina ászári jászai mari primary
- Location: Zeke Jázmin Nagyigmándi Pápay József Elementary
- Place: Balázs Kádár Workshop ámk – Mezőörs
Special Prize: Léna Kocsis SúRi Arany János Primary School
7-8. Study colleagues
- Place: Zoé Kisbéri Petefi Sándor Primary
- Place: Kitti Gecziner Kitti ásári jászai Mari Primary
- Place: Bajcsai áfra Kisbéri Petefi Sándor Elementary
- Place: máté fésüs primary school
Special Prize: DJ Kolonics Bakonyszombathellyi Bundek Elek Elentari School
We have written about students ’performance in Kisbér here:
Verses, places of platform