Monday, July 19, 2021 at 11:08 a.m.
author: Tamás Gobodics, Photo: dppi
F1, the FIA and Mercedes issued a joint statement on the matter, but Red Bull joined them separately. And they urge that those who portray themselves in a racist way be held accountable.
A joint statement was issued the day after the British Grand Prix by the Formula 1 teams, the FIA and Mercedes: The three participants stood together against those who made racist comments about Lewis Hamilton. The World Champion after colliding with Max Verstappen has been found with a lot of notes about his skin color, but these condemn it very strongly (also).
As they write, opinion and rivalry are inherent in sports, but racial discrimination has no place in it, in fact, they motivate those responsible for their racist actions and remarks. They added that everyone is being warned: to show respect and a normal human attitude.
Separately from the ad, but on the same topic, Red Bull showed itself in the same way: they said that while they were fighting rivals on the field, they were disgusted by the racist statements appreciating Hamilton. They also added that this has no place in sports on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is up to the person who acts in this way to take responsibility.
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