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False intelligence

False intelligence

To begin, let us assume that the volume covering the deepfakes issue from all sides was written by fourteen different authors. Regarding the history, Petra Akzel says that a professional conference was organized on this topic, which showed that there is a great interest in deepfakes, since

AI generates millions of messages every day, and we can't tell if they're real or not.

Of course, the conference participants and analysts contributing to the book do not believe that we are powerless in the face of such phenomena, although not all authors are equally pessimistic or optimistic.

Our goal was to create a specialized book with which we could raise awareness: all this is now not the problem of others, but the task of each of us.

He says To his question Remove Petra.

It's interesting because of course we lie to ourselves. Most of the time, we simplify the world this way, and other times we want to be nice, or just want to skip a long explanation. At the same time, it is a fact that we believe that approximately half of the lies are true, thus saving ourselves from everyday dramatic truths, for example: “This person does not like me at all,” says the interviewee.
Compared to all this, what is new about deep fakes is that the programmer enters into our lies. strange. The man who provides the raw material for a huge building of small lies.

– says the communications researcher.
The terrifying thing about technological development that supports lies is that the phenomenon does not only affect us if we are important enough in public life. Moreover, deepfakes about ordinary people are less well-known than lies that appear in public life.
Of course, we are not completely defenseless against such things, as Petra Akzel and the 14 authors of the study Deepfake: The Unreal Reality claim.
The full article is A A picture in a magazine They can read it.

Cover photo: Aczél Petra (Photo: László Emmer)

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