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Fans are expecting more Netflix heroes after the bold announcement

A daredeviles bejelentés után több Netflix-hőst is visszavárnak a rajongók bevezetőkép

Kevin Feige has officially confirmed that Daredevil can return with his usual face, and the community has begun to do so.

He has finally officially confirmed what many Marvel fans have been waiting for: if Daredevil returns to the MCU, Charlie Cox will surely make the character, to the delight of fans of the character. This was confirmed by Kevin Feige himself, the first man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

However, at the same time, a smaller avalanche began on the Internet, as fans of comic book-based products suddenly want to see more characters ASAP.

Netflix has a number of Marvel series running, in addition to Daredevil, including The Punisher and Jessica Jones. The former character was played by Jon Berthal, who made his debut in the second season of Daredevil and instantly became an audience favourite.

After that, there was no question of getting his own series on Netflix, but like Daredevil, there’s currently no word on a sequel to The Punisher.

The actor was asked about The Punisher last in September, but he was terse at the time:

“We’ll see, …”

However, along with Charlie Cox and John Berthal, we can not forget without claiming completeness, for example, Rosario Dawson, Simon Messick, Jessica Henwick or Vincent de Onofrio, who also have a chance to remake their Marvel characters. There have already been several rumors about D’Onofrio’s appearance that he will reappear as Kingpin in the Hawkeye series.

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