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Feeling: Science has justified the truth of the legend of St. Stephen in Bodjak! – The world of archeology to Maniner

Feeling: Science has justified the truth of the legend of St. Stephen in Bodjak! – The world of archeology to Maniner

The person who was interviewed Frigyes szücsi Archeology, historian, member of the Szent Isván King in Székeesfehérvár.


In the middle of February of this year, the St. Stephen King Museum published exciting scientific results for the public that the millennial tradition of Bodgik can be correct in the King St. Stephen. Let's explain what is the popular tradition?

According to the date of Mór Capuchins, the first managers, Father Wilter, were informed by local farmers at the end of the seventeenth century, where King Saint Stephen founded a church in honor of the Virgin Mary in Bodik, near a healing source, and special respect for this place.

József gendercsér and creative lászló lukács, ethnographer lászló lukács outside Bodajk in Mohaán and Székeesfehérvár-flsváros

According to the popular traditions registered in the twentieth century, King Stephen went to the church with his son Prince Emir.

Bodajk is the oldest Hungarian Hajj site based on this so far for more than three hundred years.

The results we publish indirectly but with great certainty, justify the central component of traditions,

And that

By the time of King Saint Stephen, the early church had to stand on Hill Bodjaki Calvary,

Those around them were already buried in a Christian manner, based on our fossil certificate. Of course, it is also followed that we are talking about a thousand years of popular tradition.

What exactly did they find?

In November 2022, we received two years that the human bones are lying on the edge of a trench on the Bodajk Calvary. We immediately came out of the scene, and we really found that while the Earth's cable was dug, the remains of many people were found, which workers placed at the edge of the trench. The human remains were collected for the reasons for Grace, and then, in consultation with the investor and the contractor, we started excavating the next day.

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The purpose of the rescue drilling was to explore the graves that were shaken from the trench, and thus explained it to determine from and when and why they were buried here.

The picture came together relatively soon.

We also found the skeleton of individuals, facing the East of anatomical and West. We can clearly think about a cemetery around the temple with the western trend -the East and the burial buried with each other and without attachments. Unuspical observers and ordinary commentators who are trying to explain what they see in the published images as mass graves, where the previous graves were inevitably destroyed during the previous funerals, because the sacred area is around the temple and cinema, sooner or later turned into narrow. It exactly we conclude that

The cemetery was used around the Calvary Hill Church for several generations, up to centuries.

Where did the idea come from examining the results?

At the end of last year, we had the opportunity to request some radioactive investigations with the employer, and to finance the Saint Stephen Museum. I chose one of the skeletons of the skeletons. We were just sure that we were dealing with a cemetery around the temple, so it is definitely in the Middle Ages. Since we had no other vital devices in history, I found it necessary to determine the radioactive carbon age. And of course

From the temple, and it is not possible to reach its cemetery, its cemetery.

Of course, “strong”, that is, I did not hope for my dream about the results of St. Stephen's contemporary.

What methods have been used, what data they got?

In isotoptech zrt.

The result determined the years between 994 and 1028 with a possibility of 95.4 %.

What is the conclusion that we can extract from data?

It is clear that the individual that was examined died during this period, that is, at that time he was buried in the cemetery, which in turn shows the characteristics of the graves around the temple, regardless of the fact that the three stone crosses and the stone fence of Golgotha ​​have not yet been found on the top of the hill, where since 1736.

A cemetery around the temple without an unimaginable temple,

Thus, the data, indirectly, definitely proves the existence of the temple of St. Stephen, and therefore the truth of the basic element of popular traditions.

Photo: King Stephen Museum

How much is the scarcity of talking about it? I think it is not common that “the popular tradition comes”?

Fortunately, it is rarely scientific evidence of popular traditions. Bodaji's case is also impressive because it is now scientific and more,

Science data can also be included alongside the “oldest Hungarian pilgrimage” statement, which was only dependent on traditions.

From a scientific point of view, it was very likely that the millennial roots of the shrine, which could really be achieved by reviving a tradition unfortunately in our increasingly increasingly material world. If this is the case, I am very happy. Not as a specialist or researcher, but as a Christian who respects our ancestors.

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What are the expected scientific studies in the future?

We are in the first stage of the cemetery treatment: Because of its importance, we believed that the radiological result that extended the King St. era. Stephen should already be detected. We cannot tell you yet when scientific treatment ends. The treatment of the anthropology is not started by the anthropologist, which is necessary to move forward.

Parallel to or after anthropological treatment, it will be advisable to perform some radiological carbonate of the skeleton. On the one hand, to dispel all doubts about the outcome of the published result, on the other hand to

Let's see how long the Calvary Hill burial space has been used,

Until then, St. Stephen's legendary church can definitely stand there.

More interesting photos:

Photo: King Stephen Museum

Photo: King Stephen Museum

The opening image: King Stephen Museum

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