George RR Martin launched one of the most successful fantasy book series of recent decades in 1996 Game of thrones with the novel. In 2011, he began working on a book cycle on the HBO TV series with a similar title, Fire and Ice song His official name. The fifth novel was published in the same year.dragon dance), and fans have been waiting for the sequel ever since. In the past 11 years, Martin has done many things, even written a video game story, but the sixth book, Winter winds It just does not want to do. However, the TV series has since ended, and three years have already passed.
It would be a major event if the author – who admittedly does not like being asked about this book – gave a sign of life about the novel. Now this happened: on his blog in detail wrote about itthis Winter winds He advances in his writing, but does not want to reveal much about it, as he prefers to surprise his readers with the book. As he writes, there is a lot to reveal that he is currently working on Tyrion’s chapter, since it follows that Tyrion is still alive (in the novel series, Martin writes each chapter from one character’s point of view).
The publication, in which the writer compares the work with gardening, is mostly about the fact that there will be significant differences between the plot of the TV series and the novel, since the two stories increasingly diverge from each other. Lately, I’ve noticed more and more that my gardening is taking me away from the TV series. Yes, some of the things that HBO did Game of thronesI saw in, you’ll see in Winter winds(Although maybe not quite the same way) … but most of the rest will be completely different,” he says.
According to Martin, this departure was inevitable because the novels are much larger and more complex than the series. He does not directly criticize the series, but reveals when he writes that certain characters will behave very differently from the versions in the series. “Yarra Greyjoy isn’t Asha Greyjoy, and HBO’s Euron Greyjoy is very, very, very different from mine. Quaithe still has a role to play. As did Rickon Stark. And poor Jane Paul. And… well, the list is long.”
Martin also mentions that the novels feature characters with a viewpoint never before seen in the series (Victarion Greyjoy, Ariane Martell, Ario Hotah, John Connington, and Iron Dumfir are mentioned by name), all of whom are important characters. Then there are also the “Legion minor characters” who don’t get their own chapters, but make up the plot, for example Lady Stoneheart, young Griff, Marwyn the mage, and Jeyne Westerling. And there will be new characters, but they won’t get their own classes either.
The writer also states that not all of the characters who survive the series will survive until the end of the novel’s cycle. And vice versa: Not every character we’ve seen die on HBO. “((Of course, maybe next week, with the next chapter I’m writing, I’ll change my mind again. That’s gardening)))” Martin laughs after 11 years of waiting, thus, in parentheses. He doesn’t write anything about it when he reaches the end of the novel. He concludes: “That’s all I can say now. I have to go back to the park. Tyrion is waiting for me.”
The Winter winds Incidentally, this is not the final volume for the Song of Fire and Ice cycle. It will be the seventh novel.